The Yes Way Program 2023-2024
be a part of creating an equal and inclusive innovation support system.
Join our practical and process-based development program.
Who can apply?
Are you a organiszation that has realized that you need practial support and knowledge about gender equality, diversity and inclusion to develop? Apply to our program and get better with others. Get to action!
We are convinced that all organisations need different support in their development process.
Therefore, both the content and coaching are tailored and individualised based on the organisations that are adopted to the program. The program is based on proven tools and methods that are communicated and implemented through individual coaching and follow-up, in-person and digital meetings with the other organisations as well as provision of lots of practical tools.
What the program offers:
Developed knowledge and awareness about gender equality and inclusion
Strategic work with proven and developed methods and tools
A way to contribute to an equal and inclusive innovation promotion
Inspiration and ideas for activities and events
Concrete and practical examples and ways of working
Help and support in your work going forward
The program
Hoover over the illustration to view the program information.
Fas 2: Förankring och implementering.
Strategiarbete och förankring. Löpande coaching
Fas 2: Förankring och implementering. Utbildningsmodul 1
Träff 1
Fas 1 : Insiktsarbete
Behovsanalys och kartläggning, genom intervjuer, enkät, datainsamling och policybearbetning, uppstartsmöten
Insiktsarbete och behovsanalys.
Fas 2: Förankring och implementering.
Individuellt stöd och uppföljning
Utbildningsmodul 2
Fas 2: Förankring och implementering.
Individuellt stöd och implementering
Utbildningsmodul 2
Träff 2
Fas 2: Förankring och implementering.
Individuellt stöd och uppföljning
Träff 3
Fas 2: Förankring och implementering.
Individuellt stöd och uppföljning
Fas 2: Förankring och implementering.
Individuellt stöd och uppföljning
Utbildningsmodul 3
Fas 2: Förankring och implementering.
Individuellt stöd och uppföljning
Fas 3: Fortlevnad och effekt
Effekt och fortlevnadsplan
Uppföljning och rapportering
4:e träffen
Uppföljning och avslut
The program contributes to:
Internal organisational development and change work
Exploration and implementation of test methods, ways of working and activities
A broader range of ideas and companies to your organisation
Knowledge supply, change in attitude and increased awareness
Exchange of experience and developed networks with other like-minded organisations
Are you and your organization interested in participating in the upcoming program?
Register your interest and we will contact you with more information shortly.
Program start May 8, 2023- June 15, 2024
Mapping and needs analysis
Action plan and recommendations
4 theme meetings
Implementation in organization
Educational efforts
Individual coaching
Last date for registration 30 march 2023
Please note that program participation is funded by the organization itself and the program has a limited number of places.
For questions about registration/the program:
Contact person: Melina Bergström, program manager The Yes Way
Tel. +46737062803
Since the start in 2018, we have developed tools and working methods to better attract and support entrepreneurs and innovators that today's innovation support system is having difficulties reaching, with particular focus on women and non-binary people.
For a long time, innovation has primarily been associated with male-dominated industries and male-symbolized technology, despite the fact that innovation occurs in all sectors and parts of society and comes in a variety of forms.
As the sustainable solutions of the future are developed by different people with a variety of driving forces, new forms of support and methods are needed to suit more kinds of ideas, solutions, services and products.
We are many who want to strengthen and broaden the innovative power of our country and most of us understand the value of working for gender equality and inclusion in innovation-promoting activities. But many are wondering how to proceed in concrete terms. The Yes Way's efforts and methods show how you can work in your particular organisation.
Since starting in 2018, The Yes Way has:
Developed a method and knowledge bank with over 70 digital training modules and method materials for further implementation of equality, diversity and inclusion.
Over 50 people from approx. 25 different innovation and business-promoting organizations in the Nordics have undergone and taken part in The Yes Way's development program and processes.
About 150 small and medium-sized companies have taken part in The Yes Way's knowledge and method material.
The Yes Way has reached over 100 business developers in various industries across the country through our activities and efforts.
We have contributed with development efforts to over 40 different companies and innovation-promoting actors all over the country - and in the Nordics!
3 national development programs have been implemented.
Developed a digital education and development program for entrepreneurs and business owners with a focus on social sustainability.