The Yes Way Program 2021-2022
be a part of creating an equal and inclusive innovation support system.
Join our practical and process-based development program.

Who can apply?
Are you a organiszation that has realized that you need practial support and knowledge about gender equality, diversity and inclusion to develop? Apply to our program and get better with others. Get to action!
We are convinced that all organisations need different support in their development process.
Therefore, both the content and coaching are tailored and individualised based on the organisations that are adopted to the program. The program is based on proven tools and methods that are communicated and implemented through individual coaching and follow-up, in-person and digital meetings with the other organisations as well as provision of lots of practical tools.
What the program offers:
Developed knowledge and awareness about gender equality and inclusion
Strategic work with proven and developed methods and tools
A way to contribute to an equal and inclusive innovation promotion
Inspiration and ideas for activities and events
Concrete and practical examples and ways of working
Help and support in your work going forward
The program
Hoover over the illustration to view the program information.
Individual support and follow-up
Individual support and implementation
Training module 2
Strategy work and anchoring. Ongoing coaching
Digital meetup 1
Individual support and follow-up
Digital meeting 3
Access to adapted method material and needs analysis.
Training module 1
Individual needs analysis through interview and questionnaire
Start-up period: Analysis and mapping
Individual support and follow-up
Communication meetup
Individual support and follow-up
Training module 3
Digital meeting 4
Individual support and follow-up
Digital meeting 2
Effect and long term strategy
Follow-up and reporting
Digital meeting 5
Follow-up and conclusion
The program contributes to:
Internal organisational development and change work
Exploration and implementation of test methods, ways of working and activities
A broader range of ideas and companies to your organisation
Knowledge supply, change in attitude and increased awareness
Exchange of experience and developed networks with other like-minded organisations
The application must be filled in digitally no later than 30 April 2021. Admitted organizations will be notified no later than 15 June 2021.
Two people from each accepted organization will have the opportunity to participate in the program's 5 meetings. Everyone in the organization is welcome to take part in the internal work such as training modules, needs analysis, individual coaching, follow-up, method materials and practical tools.
12 months full membership is included in the program participation.
”What I personally appreciated was that the YES WAY took an approach from facts and not opinions.”
Anders Cronholm, CEO, Blekinge Business Incubator